Ojciec chrzestny: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Alessia (dyskusja | edycje)
Ciekavy (dyskusja | edycje)
→‎Dialogi: Formatowanie według wskazówek.
Linia 95:
:'''Bonasera:''' Grazie, Ojcze chrzestny.
:'''Don Corleone:''' Zleć to Clemenzy'emu. To musi załatwić ktoś opanowany. Nie jesteśmy mordercami, choć ten grabarz tak mówi.
::'' – We have known each other many years, but this is the first time you've come to me for counsel or for help. I can't remember the last time you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And you feared to be in my debt.''
<br />
::'' – I didn't want to get into trouble.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''We have known each other many years, but this is the first time you've come to me for counsel or for help. I can't remember the last time you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And you feared to be in my debt.''
::'' – I understand. You found paradise in America. You had a good trade, you made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law. So you didn't need a friend like me. Now you come and say „Don Corleone, give me justice.” But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me „Godfather.” You come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married and you ask me to do murder – for money.''
:'''Bonasera:''' ''I didn't want to get into trouble.''
::'' – I ask you for justice.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''I understand. You found paradise in America. You had a good trade, you made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law. So you didn't need a friend like me. Now you come and say „Don Corleone, give me justice.” But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me „Godfather.” You come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married and you ask me to do murder – for money.''
:'''Bonasera:''' ''I askThat youis fornot justice. Your daughter is alive.''
::'' – Let them suffer then as she suffers. How much shall I pay you?''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.''
::'' – Bonasera, Bonasera, what have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.''
:'''Bonasera:''' ''Let them suffer then as she suffers. How much shall I pay you?''
::'' – Be my friend... Godfather.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Bonasera, Bonasera, what have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.''
::'' – Good. Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift on my daughter's wedding day.''
:'''Bonasera:''' ''Be my friend... Godfather.''
::'' – Grazie, Godfather.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Good. Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift on my daughter's wedding day.''
::'' – Give this job to Clemenza. I want reliable people, people who aren't going to be carried away. I mean, we're not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker thinks...'' (ang.)
:'''Bonasera:''' ''Grazie, Godfather.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Give this job to Clemenza. I want reliable people, people who aren't going to be carried away. I mean, we're not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker thinks...
Linia 115 ⟶ 114:
:'''Kay Adams:''' To znaczy?
:'''Michael:''' Luca przyłożył mu do głowy broń, ojciec powiedział, że na kontrakcie będzie podpis albo mózg. To prawdziwa historia. To moja rodzina, Kay. Nie ja.
::'' – Well, when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to a personal services contract with this big-band leader. And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it. But the band leader wouldn't let him. Now, Johnny is my father's godson. So my father went to see this bandleader and offered him $10,000 to let Johnny go, but the bandleader said no. So the next day, my father went back, only this time with Luca Brasi. Within an hour, he had a signed release for a certified check of $1000.''
<br />
::'' – How did he do that?''
:'''Michael:''' ''Well, when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to a personal services contract with this big-band leader. And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it. But the band leader wouldn't let him. Now, Johnny is my father's godson. So my father went to see this bandleader and offered him $10,000 to let Johnny go, but the bandleader said no. So the next day, my father went back, only this time with Luca Brasi. Within an hour, he had a signed release for a certified check of $1000.''
::'' – My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse.''
:'''Kay Adams:''' ''How did he do that?''
::'' – What was that?''
:'''Michael:''' ''My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse.''
::'' – Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. That's a true story. That's my family Kay, that's not me.'' (ang.)
:'''Kay Adams:''' ''What was that?''
:'''Michael:''' ''Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. That's a true story. That's my family Kay, that's not me.''
Linia 134 ⟶ 132:
* Zobacz też: [[Lista stu najlepszych cytatów z filmów amerykańskich według AFI]]
<br />
:'''Johnny Fontane:''' ''I don't know what to do, Godfather. My voice is weak, it's weak. Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top, you know. But this... this man out there. He won't give it to me, the head of the studio.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''What's his name?''
:'''Johnny Fontane:''' ''Woltz. He said there's no chance, no chance... A month ago he bought the rights to this book, a best seller. The main character is a guy just like me. I wouldn't even have to act, just be myself. Oh, Godfather, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do...''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''You can act like a man! What's the matter with you? Is this what you've become, a Hollywood finocchio who cries like a woman? „Oh, what do I do? What do I do?” What is that nonsense? Ridiculous! Tell me, do you spend time with your family?''
:'''Johnny Fontane:''' ''Sure I do.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Good. Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. You look terrible. I want you to eat, I want you to rest well. And a month from now this Hollywood big shot's gonna give you what you want.''
:'''Johnny Fontane:''' ''Too late. They start shooting in a week.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''I'm gonna make him an offer he won't refuse. Okay? I want you to leave it all to me. Go on, go back to the party.'' (ang.)
Linia 151 ⟶ 149:
:'''Jack Woltz:''' Nie rozumiesz. Johnny Fontane nie dostanie tej roli. Jest dla niego wymarzona. Stałby się gwiazdą. A ja chcę go wykopać z interesu. Powiem, czemu. Johnny Fontane zrujnował jedną z mych protegowanych. Kształciliśmy ją przez 5 lat. Śpiew, taniec, szkoła aktorska. Wydałem setki tysięcy, by uczynić ją gwiazdą. Powiem ci więcej. Udowodnię, że nie myślę tylko o pieniądzach. Była piękna. Młoda i niewinna! I była najlepszą dupą, jaką miałem, a miałem ich wiele. Wtedy zjawia się Fontane ze swoim makaroniarskim czarem i głosem. I ona z nim uciekła. Odrzuciła wszystko, by mnie ośmieszyć! A ktoś na moim stanowisku nie może sobie na to pozwolić! Więc zabieraj się stąd! Gdyby on chciał coś kręcić, nie prowadzę orkiestry. Tak, znam tę historię.
:'''Tom Hagen:''' Dziękuję za kolację i miły wieczór. Odwieźcie mnie na lotnisko. Pan Corleone lubi szybko słyszeć złe wieści.
::'' – Mr Corleone is Johnny Fontane's godfather. Now Italians regard that as a very close, a very sacred religious relationship.''
<br />
::'' – Tell your boss he can ask for anything else, but this is one favour I can't grant him.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''Mr Corleone is Johnny Fontane's godfather. Now Italians regard that as a very close, a very sacred religious relationship.''
::'' – Mr. Corleone never asks a second favor once he's refused the first, understood?''
:'''Jack Woltz:''' ''Tell your boss he can ask for anything else, but this is one favour I can't grant him.''
::'' – You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie. That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star. I'm gonna run him out of the movies. And let me tell you why. Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz International's most valuable proteges. For three years we had her under contract, singing lessons, dancing lessons, acting lessons. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. I was gonna make her a big star. And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, that it's not all dollars and cents. She was beautiful, she was innocent, she was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had it all over the world. And then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and guinea charm and she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous. And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous. Now you get the hell out of here. And you tell that gumba that if he wants to try any rough stuff that I ain't no band leader. Yeah, I heard that story.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''Mr. Corleone never asks a second favor once he's refused the first, understood?''
::'' – Thank you for the dinner and a very pleasant evening. Have your car take me to the airport. Mr Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news at once.'' (ang.)
:'''Jack Woltz:''' ''You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie. That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star. I'm gonna run him out of the movies. And let me tell you why. Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz International's most valuable proteges. For three years we had her under contract, singing lessons, dancing lessons, acting lessons. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. I was gonna make her a big star. And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, that it's not all dollars and cents. She was beautiful, she was innocent, she was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had it all over the world. And then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and guinea charm and she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous. And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous. Now you get the hell out of here. And you tell that gumba that if he wants to try any rough stuff that I ain't no band leader. Yeah, I heard that story.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''Thank you for the dinner and a very pleasant evening. Have your car take me to the airport. Mr Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news at once.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' Zgodziłem się to omówić, bo ma pan opinię człowieka solidnego... i godnego szacunku. Niestety muszę jednak odmówić. Powiem panu, dlaczego. To prawda, mam przyjaciół wśród polityków. Ale przyjaźń skończy się, jeśli zajmę się... narkotykami, a nie hazardem, który uważają za nieszkodliwy.
:'''Sollozzo:''' Nie, Don Corleone...
:'''Don Corleone:''' Ja nie pytam, jak mężczyzna zarabia na życie. Ale pańska branża... jest dość niebezpieczna.
:'''Sollozzo:''' Bezpieczeństwo zapewni rodzina Tattaglia.
:'''Sonny:''' Oni mają ręczyć...
:'''Don Corleone:''' Chwilę... Mam słabość do dzieci i rozpuściłem je. Mówią, gdy powinny słuchać. Sollozzo... moja odmowa jest ostateczna. Ale gratuluję panu. Oby pana interesy szły dobrze. Zwłaszcza że nie są sprzeczne z moimi. Dziękuję. (''Sollozzo wychodzi'') Santino. Chodź tu. Co z tobą? Mózg ci mięknie od zabaw z tą dziewczyną. Nigdy więcej nie zdradzaj przy obcym, co myślisz. Idź.
::'' – I said that I would see you because I had heard that you were a serious man, to be treated with respect. But I must say no to you and let me give you my reasons. It's true I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be so friendly if they knew my business was drugs instead of gambling which they consider a harmless vice. But drugs, that's a dirty business.''
<br />
::'' – No, Don Corleone...''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''I said that I would see you because I had heard that you were a serious man, to be treated with respect. But I must say no to you and let me give you my reasons. It's true I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be so friendly if they knew my business was drugs instead of gambling which they consider a harmless vice. But drugs, that's a dirty business.''
::'' – It makes no difference, it don't make any difference to me what a man does for a living, you understand. But your business is a little dangerous.''
:'''Sollozzo:''' ''No, Don Corleone...''
::'' – If you're worried about security for your million, the Tattaglias will guarantee it.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''It makes no difference, it don't make any difference to me what a man does for a living, you understand. But your business is a little dangerous.''
:'''Sollozzo:''' ''If– Whoa, now, you're worriedtelling aboutme security for your million,that the Tattaglias will guarantee itour investment without...?''
::'' – Wait a minute. I have a sentimental weakness for my children and I spoil them, as you can see. They talk when they should listen. Anyway, Signor Sollozzo, my no to you is final. I want to congratulate you on your new business and I'm sure you'll do very well and good luck to you. Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you. Santino, come here. What's the matter with you? I think your brain is going soft with all that comedy you are playing with that young girl. Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again. Go on.'' (ang.)
:'''Sonny:'''''Whoa, now, you're telling me that the Tattaglias guarantee our investment without...?''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Wait a minute. I have a sentimental weakness for my children and I spoil them, as you can see. They talk when they should listen. Anyway, Signor Sollozzo, my no to you is final. I want to congratulate you on your new business and I'm sure you'll do very well and good luck to you. Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you. Santino, come here. What's the matter with you? I think your brain is going soft with all that comedy you are playing with that young girl. Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again. Go on.''
Linia 178 ⟶ 174:
:'''Sonny:''' Jak tam Paulie?
:'''Clemenza:''' Ach, Paulie! Już go więcej nie zobaczysz.
::'' – How's Paulie?''
<br />
:'''Sonny:''' ''How's– Oh, Paulie?. You won't see him no more.''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''Oh, Paulie. You won't see him no more.''
Linia 195 ⟶ 190:
:'''Michael:''' Jak myślisz, kiedy będę mógł wrócić?
:'''Sonny:''' Najwcześniej za rok. Wytłumaczę mamie, że się nie żegnałeś przed wyjazdem i... Zawiadomię tę dziewczynę, gdy będzie pora. Uważaj na siebie.
::'' – Yeah, sure, I do. It's perfect for us. A small family place, good food. Everyone minds his business. It's perfect. Pete, they got an old-fashion toilet. You know, the box, the chain-thing. We might be able to tape the gun behind it.''
<br />
::'' – All right. Mike: you go to the restaurant, you eat, you talk for a while, you relax. You make them relax. Then you get up and you go take a leak. No, better still, you ask for permission to go. Then when you come back, you come out blasting, and don't take any chances. Two shots in the head apiece.''
:'''Tessio:''' ''Yeah, sure, I do. It's perfect for us. A small family place, good food. Everyone minds his business. It's perfect. Pete, they got an old-fashion toilet. You know, the box, the chain-thing. We might be able to tape the gun behind it.''
::'' – Now, listen. I want somebody good and I mean very good to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, all right?''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''All right. Mike: you go to the restaurant, you eat, you talk for a while, you relax. You make them relax. Then you get up and you go take a leak. No, better still, you ask for permission to go. Then when you come back, you come out blasting, and don't take any chances. Two shots in the head apiece.''
::'' – The gun will be there.''
:'''Sonny:''' ''Now, listen. I want somebody good and I mean very good to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, all right?''
::'' – All right, listen. You drive him and you pick him up after the job.''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''The gun will be there.''
::'' – Come on. Let's move.''
:'''Sonny:''' ''All right, listen. You drive him and you pick him up after the job.''
::'' – Did he tell you to drop the gun right away?''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''Come on. Let's move.''
::'' – Yeah, a million times.''
:'''Sonny:''' ''Did he tell you to drop the gun right away?''
::'' – Now, you don't forget two shots apiece in the head as soon as you come out the door.''
:'''Michael:''' ''Yeah, a million times.''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''Now, youHow don'tlong forgetdo twoyou shotsthink apieceit'll inbe thebefore headI as soon as youcan come out the door.back?''
::'' – At least a year, Mike. Listen, I'll square it with Mom, you know, you not seeing her before you leave and I'll get a message to that girlfriend, when I think the time is right. Take care.''
:'''Michael:''' ''How long do you think it'll be before I can come back?''
:'''Sonny:''' ''At least a year, Mike. Listen, I'll square it with Mom, you know, you not seeing her before you leave and I'll get a message to that girlfriend, when I think the time is right. Take care.''
Linia 215 ⟶ 209:
:'''Tom Hagen:''' Strzelali do Sonny'ego na rogatce. Nie żyje.
:'''Don Corleone:''' Nie chcę żadnego dochodzenia. Ani aktów zemsty. Zaaranżuj spotkanie... z głowami pięciu wielkich rodzin. Pora skończyć tę wojnę.
::'' – Give me a drop. My wife is crying upstairs. I hear cars coming to the house. Consigliore of mine, I think it's time you told your Don what everyone seems to know.''
<br />
::'' – I didn't tell Mama anything. I was just about to come up and wake you so that I could tell you.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Give me a drop. My wife is crying upstairs. I hear cars coming to the house. Consigliore of mine, I think it's time you told your Don what everyone seems to know.''
::'' – But you needed a drink first. And now you've had your drink.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''I didn't tell Mama anything. I was just about to come up and wake you so that I could tell you.''
::'' – They shot Sonny on the causeway. He's dead.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''But you needed a drink first. And now you've had your drink.''
::'' – I want no inquiries made. I want no acts of vengeance. I want you to arrange a meeting with the heads of the Five Families. This war stops now.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''They shot Sonny on the causeway. He's dead.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''I want no inquiries made. I want no acts of vengeance. I want you to arrange a meeting with the heads of the Five Families. This war stops now.''
Linia 229 ⟶ 222:
:'''Kay Adams:''' Oni nikogo nie zabijają.
:'''Michael:''' Kto tu jest naiwny, Kay? Nadszedł czas na inne metody. I ojciec o tym wie. Za 5 lat rodzina Corleone będzie działać zupełnie legalnie. Zaufaj mi. To wszystko, co mogę ci powiedzieć. Kay...
::'' – My father is no different than any other powerful man. Any man who's responsible for other people. Like a senator or president.''
<br />
::'' – How naive you sound.''
:'''Michael:''' ''My father is no different than any other powerful man. Any man who's responsible for other people. Like a senator or president.''
::'' – Why?''
:'''Kay Adams:''' ''How naive you sound.''
::'' – They don't have men killed.''
:'''Michael:''' ''Why?''
::'' – Who's being naive, Kay? My father's way of doing things is over. Even he knows that. I mean, in five years, the Corleone Family is going to be completely legitimate. Trust me. That's all I can tell you about my business.''
:'''Kay Adams:''' ''They don't have men killed.''
:'''Michael:''' ''Who's being naive, Kay? My father's way of doing things is over. Even he knows that. I mean, in five years, the Corleone Family is going to be completely legitimate. Trust me. That's all I can tell you about my business.''
Linia 249 ⟶ 241:
:'''Tom Hagen:''' Może mogę pomóc.
:'''Michael:''' Jesteś wyłączony, Tom.
::'' – Do you have faith in my judgement?''
<br />
::'' – Yes.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Do you have faith in my judgement?''
::'' – Do I have your loyalty?''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''Yes.''
::'' – Yes, always Godfather.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Do I have your loyalty?''
::'' – Then be a friend to Michael. Do as he says.''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''Yes, always Godfather.''
::'' – There are negotiations being made that are going to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems. That's all I can tell you right now. Carlo, you grew up in Nevada. When we make our move there you're going to be my right hand man. Tom Hagen is no longer Consigliari. He's going to be our lawyer in Vegas. That's no reflection on Tom it's just the way I want it. Besides, if I ever help who's a better Consigliari than my father. That's it.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Then be a friend to Michael. Do as he says.''
::'' – Mike, why am I out?''
:'''Michael:''' ''There are negotiations being made that are going to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems. That's all I can tell you right now. Carlo, you grew up in Nevada. When we make our move there you're going to be my right hand man. Tom Hagen is no longer Consigliari. He's going to be our lawyer in Vegas. That's no reflection on Tom it's just the way I want it. Besides, if I ever help who's a better Consigliari than my father. That's it.''
::'' – You're not a wartime Consigliari, Tom. Things could get rough with the move we're making.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''Mike, why am I out?''
::'' – Tom, I advised Michael. I never thought you were a bad Consigliari. I thought Santino was a bad Don, rest in peace. Michael has all my confidence as do you. But there are reasons why you must have nothing to do with what's going to happen.''
:'''Michael:''' ''You're not a wartime Consigliari, Tom. Things could get rough with the move we're making.''
::'' – Maybe I could help.''
:'''Don Corleone:''' ''Tom, I advised Michael. I never thought you were a bad Consigliari. I thought Santino was a bad Don, rest in peace. Michael has all my confidence as do you. But there are reasons why you must have nothing to do with what's going to happen.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' – You''Maybere Iout, could helpTom.''
:'''Michael:''' ''You're out, Tom.''
Linia 269 ⟶ 261:
:'''Tessio:''' Tom, możesz się za mną wstawić? Przez wzgląd na dawne czasy?
:'''Tom Hagen:''' Nie mogę, Sal.
::'' – Tell Mike it was only business, I always liked him.''
<br />
::'' – He understands that.''
:'''Tessio:''' ''Tell Mike it was only business, I always liked him.''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''He– Excuse understandsme, thatSally.''
::'' – Can you get me off the hook, Tom? For old times sake?''
:'''Willi Cicci:''' ''Excuse me, Sally.''
::'' – Can't do it, Sally.''
:'''Tessio:''' ''Can you get me off the hook, Tom? For old times sake?''
:'''Tom Hagen:''' ''Can't do it, Sally.''
Linia 283 ⟶ 274:
:'''Kay Adams:''' Chyba powinniśmy się napić. (''wychodzi do kuchni, do biura wchodzą Peter Clemenza, Rocco Lampone i Al Neri'')
:'''Clemenza:''' Don Corleone. (''całuje w dłoń, zakończenie'')
::'' – All right. This one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs.''
<br />
::'' – Is it true? Is it?''
:'''Michael:''' ''All right. This one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs.''
::'' – No.''
:'''Kay Adams:''' ''Is it true? Is it?''
::'' – I guess we both need a drink, huh?''
:'''Michael:''' ''No.''
::'' – Don Corleone.''
:'''Kay Adams:''' ''I guess we both need a drink, huh?''
:'''Clemenza:''' ''Don Corleone.''
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